Tuesday, March 21, 2017


I am trying to learn this text. 
Trying to understand it.
     Last night.
          Ink gliding over paper.
               I copied each line into my notebook. 
This was much slower than speaking the words aloud. 
It was an exercise that didn't help me to understand voice or embodiment. 
But it did help me maintain a connection to the text. I have something to hold on to now, as I continue traveling this week, with no spaces to move in and say these lines (without disturbing the peace).
I can hold the understanding of a newly discovered pattern--the same sentence repeated, pages later, in a new context. 

I wonder if Lady Grey keeps a journal. 
I wonder if Will Eno writes his scripts with pen on paper or if he types them on a keyboard. Probably a keyboard.  

Last night I counted the punctuation in this piece. 
# of periods: 425
# of question marks: 49 
# of commas: too many to count.

Tonight I am sitting here wondering, what, exactly, these symbols signify. Sometimes there's a period. But the thought, the sentence as I understand it, does not end. And sometimes a question ends with a period. Even when a question ends with a question mark, there are so many types of questions. All signified by the same little symbol. And then there are the commas.

How do the commas relate to the pauses indicated in stage directions, the spaces between each word, the capacity of my lungs to hold and ration a breath?

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